Monday, July 19, 2010

Best Minds Show

This Allen Ginsberg quote serves as the inspiration for a one night only art exhibition being organized by Sara Santarsiero. Read on to find out more about this event.


AUG. 1ST 5:30 PM.

Things to keep in mind.

This exhibition will be installed in a Beverly, MA apartment
and feature live music and poetry readings.
A perfect time to celebrate summer, art and American poet, Allen Ginsberg.

All are welcome to attend - and bring your friends!

If you would like to submit a piece of art work please deliver it to Sara NO LATER than JULY 27TH. Also, please contact Sara if you would like to perform or do a reading.

If you have any questions or would like to mail/hand deliver your piece please email Sara at

For more information visit here and here.

So there you have it folks - yet another ambitious soul making it happen. I hope you all will be able to participate in this event somehow and show your support! If you have an event coming up please let us know so we can help spread the word. Reach us at
Keep on keeping on.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Friends of This Collective Pull

This Collective Pull has been hibernating! Bea was in the mountains of Georgia for six weeks at the Hambidge Center and Julie has been working it in the fashion world. So - in an effort to post more often on this here blog - and to help spread the love (which is really what This Collective Pull is all about) we are going to start posting the endeavors/exhibits/projects/etc of friends of This Collective Pull, as well as our own news. This project was always about creating community and encouraging others to do the same. If you have any news you'd like to share, an upcoming event or would like us to help spread the word of a project you're working on - please send it our way! Nothing is too big or too small, and you don't have to have exhibited under the This Collective Pull name - you just need to be groovin' to the same tune and in to the whole community thing. You also don't need to be a visual artist...anyone contributing to the Massachusetts creative scene is welcome! Also, if you send us a jpeg image we'll put it in our sidebar with a link to the event's website or blog for the duration of the event. Dig? Send thoughts on over to


Now unless you have been hiding out in a cave somewhere (and maybe even then) you should know about this project that began in Berlin in 2006. It has since become a global endeavor and has now found a home in Western Massachusetts thanks to our friends at Now.For.Art.

(Poster designed by the one and only Brendan McCauley - Brendan exhibited in the first and third This Collective Pull)

This is the definition of working to build community and here's your chance to get involved in this awesome project - click the flyer for details and contact Now.For.Art at if you have any questions. You can also get more information here, here and here.

Stay in touch friends, and keep us updated!