Thursday, March 25, 2010

North Shore Art*Throb Article!

Dear Friends,

Please take a moment to visit the article that North Shore Art*Throb wrote about our project! We are hoping this article will open up new venues for us to have our next event. And please, if you have any ideas for future projects get in touch! Click the image below for the article.



Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Sans-crowd Documentation

Hi Friends,
Below are a few photographs taken of the exhibit without the crowd of the opening reception.

The figurative work of Justin Bothwell held it's own while sharing a space with the abstract color fields of Rose Olson.

Fellow Montserrat College of Art Alumni Bradford Rusick, Kathleen Gerdon Archer and Catalina Viejo Lopez de Roda share a wall and bring note to their unique styles and approaches.

An installation view of Rusick, Archer and Viejo next to an Anthony Palocci painting, Heather Counselman photograph, and a collage by Hayley Perry.

Julia Purinton brought the outside in with this large landscape.

A collaboration between Bradford Rusick and Allie Hornak is proudly displayed above the mantle with other fabulous works by Luba Shapiro, Anthony Montouri, Peter Brefini and Heather Counselman.

Another view showcasing the unique space and the ecclectic styles of all the artists.

Brendan McCauley, Justin Bothwell and Hayley Perry in the front room.

Jenna Antonangeli's photographs had a great presence in our hallway space bringing people from room to room.

It was so wonderful seeing the relationships between pieces develop as they were hung together in the space. Certain pieces also developed a very unique conversation with the space itself, often complimenting the crumbling texture of the ceiling, or the lines in the hardwood floor! Enjoy the photos, and again, keep an eye out for the interview with North Shore Art Throb! Julie and Bea both have a number of photographs that are not posted here, if you would like to request an image seen here, or of another view of the exhibit please email us at

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

More to come...

Hi Friends,

This is a placeholder for the up and coming images from the exhibition. We have a lot of images from the opening reception, but also thought it would nice to post images of the exhibition "sans crowd." So for those of you who were un-able to make the opening, stay tuned! Also, keep an eye out for an interview about This Collective Pull in the North Shore Art Throb. We have already started planning for the next big event, which is unlike anything we've done before. Big plans my friends, BIG PLANS!